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Life Insurance

3 Ways to Give the Gift of Life Insurance


  • Name Blue White as a beneficiary of the policy for a percentage or fixed amount


  • Make an outright gift of an existing policy 


  • Make an outright gift of a new policy


Most people could never write a check for $100,000 to their favorite charity. But through life insurance, it can cost very little to be that generous. Life Insurance enables you to make a substantial future gift by making small premium payments over time. This is a great idea for Scholars to give back!


A life insurance donation is one of the best giving ideas for those that no longer need a policy. When the policy's original purpose no longer applies — such as educating grown children or providing financial security for a spouse now deceased — your policy can become a powerful and simple way to support our mission.


P.O. Box 412 - Villanova, Pennsylvania 19085 - (610) 519-0777

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